JDRF was honored to have Vicki Santo and other members of the Santo family join us on Walk Day. |
We appreciate your dedication to our mission. It's not too late to collect contributions. Help us meet our $5 million goal. Online donations are still accepted at www.walk.jdrf.org or you can mail in your donation in an official collection envelope to our office.
Every dollar raised brings us closer to the cure!
We are still working hard to process and enter in all the donations received on Walk Day, but you will start to see your team's total rise in the coming weeks. We will send out a notification when the totals are finalized and they will also be posted at www.jdrfillinois.org under the Ron Santo Walk page.
Please be aware of three important upcoming deadlines:1. T-Shirt Contest Deadline - November 1st. If you would like to enter your team's shirt into our T-Shirt Contest, please send it (smallest size preferred) to our office by November 1st. Winning shirts will be announced at the January Awards Ceremony! Details on how you can vote for this year's winning t-shirts coming soon!
2. Incentive Prize Deadline - November 11th. Walkers who wish to receive an incentive prize, must select a prize level so that the appropriate catalog can be shipped. Please make sure you update your prize level selection no later than Friday, November 11th. Instructions can be found here. 3. Team Total Deadline - December 5th. Striving for a team award? All money received by December 5th will count toward your team's 2011 Walk team total and award level. Awards are distributed at the Walk Awards Ceremony in January.
JDRF Illinois celebrates all participants and recognizes those individuals who raise $1,500 + with the annual golden sneaker award. Eligible participants will receive a mailing about their award in December.
Team awards are presented at the annual January Awards Reception (details to come). Team awards levels are below:
Team Award Levels
$3,500 - $9,999 - Bronze
$10,000 - $24,999 - Silver
$25,000 - $49,999 - Gold
$50,000 - $99,999 - Platinum
$100,000 - $199,999 - Diamond
$200,000 + - Ron Santo Award
Don't forget to ask your donors if their company has a matching gift program. Many corporations and foundations will match, double, or even triple an employee's personal donation! Include your paper matching gift form in your collection envelope or send it in to the JDRF Illinois office with a note that it is for your team, and the Walker name where the gift should be credited. If your company has an online system, submit your matching request and JDRF will receive a notification to verify your gift. Matching gifts are an easy way to help you reach your goal!
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