Friday, February 4, 2011

Kids Walk to Cure Diabetes

Now is the perfect time to organize a JDRF Kids Walk for the coming Spring!

Why Hold a JDRF Kids Walk?

The Kids Walk to Cure Diabetes is an educational school fundraising program that raises money to find a cure for type 1 diabetes. While raising money for JDRF, students learn about diabetes and the importance of making healthy choices. The money raised through this program helps fund type 1 diabetes research and provides additional dollars for your school to use on equipment, field trips, books or whatever your school needs!

How the JDRF Kids Walk to Cure Diabetes Program Works in 5 Easy Steps:

1.  Contact your local Walk Manager to schedule your Kids Walk.  Pick two days, two weeks apart.  Your school can participate anytime of the year!

2.  On the first scheduled date, students are taught about diabetes and the Kids Walk program is explained.

3.  Students have two weeks to collect donations.

4.  Two weeks after the classes have been taught, the Kids Walk to Cure Diabetes is held on your campus. 

5.  Wrap up your campaign.  Expect the students’ prizes, your school banner and your 10% appreciation check to arrive six weeks after your donations and order forms have been received.

Start planning your own JDRF Kids Walk today and join our growing list of successful School Walks like:

Ferson Creek Elementary in St. Charles who raised nearly $9,000 using the Kids Walk program!  Melissa Laskey and her hard working team worked with the school administration to coordinate a fun and well-organized Walk! 

“Exposing our students to service learning needs about Type I diabetes and staying healthy is so valuable.  We are eternally grateful that the student, parents, staff and families of our school made the Kids Walk a success”, said Chris Adkins, Principal, Diabetic and pump wearer for more than 10 years.


J. Covington Elementary School in Oak Lawn, IL who got creative and held a sports themed school walk with fantastic results!  In the month of January, the school came together in support of student Abbie Schmidt, a fourth grader with type 1 diabetes, and raised over $3,400 for JDRF!
Students gathered for a kick-off meeting and enjoyed a personal video that Abbie created about her experience with type 1 diabetes. The students then collected pledges and on the day of the event, they gathered in the school gym and completed various sports challenges.  At the end of the event,  everyone celebrated their success, watched the JDRF Nick Jonas video and received their JDRF Kids Walk prizes.  Special thanks to Toni & Abbie Schmidt of Abbie's All Stars and the entire J. Covington Community!

For more information about the JDRF Kids Walk Program, please visit  To set-up your own Kids Walk, please contact your local Walk Manager today!

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Andy1 said...
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